Laravel Icons Logo

Elegant & easy to use SVG icons, designed to use as Laravel Blade Components.

290 Icons
MIT Licensed
Laravel Components + Inline SVG
  • 500px

  • academic-cap

  • adjustments

  • angelist

  • annotation

  • archive

  • arrow-circle-down

  • arrow-circle-left

  • arrow-circle-right

  • arrow-circle-up

  • arrow-down

  • arrow-left

  • arrow-narrow-down

  • arrow-narrow-left

  • arrow-narrow-right

  • arrow-narrow-up

  • arrow-right

  • arrow-sm-down

  • arrow-sm-left

  • arrow-sm-right

  • arrow-sm-up

  • arrow-up

  • arrows-expand

  • at-symbol

  • backspace

  • badge-check

  • ban

  • beaker

  • behance

  • bell

  • blogger

  • book-open

  • bookmark-alt

  • bookmark

  • briefcase

  • cake

  • calculator

  • calendar

  • camera

  • care

  • cash

  • chart-bar

  • chart-pie

  • chart-square-bar

  • chat-alt-2

  • chat-alt

  • chat

  • check-circle

  • check

  • chevron-double-down

  • chevron-double-left

  • chevron-double-right

  • chevron-double-up

  • chevron-down

  • chevron-left

  • chevron-right

  • chevron-up

  • chip

  • clipboard-check

  • clipboard-copy

  • clipboard-list

  • clipboard

  • clock

  • cloud-download

  • cloud-upload

  • cloud

  • code

  • cog

  • collection

  • color-swatch

  • copy

  • credit-card

  • cube-transparent

  • cube

  • currency-bangladeshi

  • currency-dollar

  • currency-euro

  • currency-pound

  • currency-rupee

  • currency-yen

  • cursor-click

  • database

  • desktop-computer

  • device-mobile

  • device-tablet

  • document-add

  • document-download

  • document-duplicate

  • document-remove

  • document-report

  • document-search

  • document-text

  • document

  • dots-circle-horizontal

  • dots-horizontal

  • dots-vertical

  • download

  • dribble

  • duplicate

  • emoji-happy

  • emoji-sad

  • etsy

  • excel

  • exclamation-circle

  • exclamation

  • external-link

  • eye-off

  • eye

  • facebook

  • fast-forward

  • film

  • filter

  • finger-print

  • fire

  • fitbit

  • fiverr

  • flag

  • flickr

  • flipboard

  • folder-add

  • folder-download

  • folder-open

  • folder-remove

  • folder

  • foursquare

  • gift

  • github

  • globe-alt

  • globe

  • goodreads

  • google_scholar

  • hand

  • hashtag

  • heart

  • highbrow

  • home

  • identification

  • imdb

  • inbox-in

  • inbox

  • indiegogo

  • information-circle

  • instagram

  • key

  • kickstarter

  • last_fm

  • library

  • light-bulb

  • lightning-bolt

  • link

  • linkedin

  • location-marker

  • lock-closed

  • lock-open

  • login

  • logout

  • mail-open

  • mail

  • s


  • medium

  • menu-alt-1

  • menu-alt-2

  • menu-alt-3

  • menu-alt-4

  • menu

  • microphone

  • minus-circle

  • minus-sm

  • minus

  • moon

  • music-note

  • newspaper

  • office-building

  • orchid

  • paper-airplane

  • paper-clip

  • patreon

  • pause

  • pencil-alt

  • pencil

  • phone-incoming

  • phone-missed-call

  • phone-outgoing

  • phone

  • photograph

  • pinterest

  • play

  • plus-circle

  • plus-sm

  • plus

  • pocket

  • presentation-chart-bar

  • presentation-chart-line

  • printer

  • product_hunt

  • puzzle

  • qrcode

  • question-mark-circle

  • quora

  • receipt-refund

  • receipt-tax

  • reddit

  • refresh

  • reply

  • research_gate

  • researcher_id

  • rewind

  • rss

  • save-as

  • save

  • scale

  • scissors

  • search-circle

  • search

  • selector

  • server

  • share

  • shield-check

  • shield-exclamation

  • shopping-bag

  • shopping-cart

  • skill_share

  • slide_share

  • snapchat

  • sort-ascending

  • sort-descending

  • sound_cloud

  • sparkles

  • spotify

  • stack_exchange

  • stack_overflow

  • star

  • status-offline

  • status-online

  • stop

  • strava

  • sun

  • support

  • switch-horizontal

  • switch-vertical

  • table

  • tag

  • telegram

  • template

  • terminal

  • thumb-down

  • thumb-up

  • ticket

  • tiktok

  • translate

  • trash

  • trending-down

  • trending-up

  • truck

  • tumblr

  • twitch

  • twitter

  • unsplash

  • upload

  • upwork

  • user-add

  • user-circle

  • user-group

  • user-remove

  • user

  • users

  • variable

  • video-camera

  • view-baords

  • view-grid-add

  • view-grid

  • view-list

  • vimeo

  • vine

  • vk

  • volume-off

  • volume-up

  • vsco

  • weibo

  • whatsapp

  • wifi

  • wikipedia

  • wordpress

  • x-circle

  • x

  • xing

  • yelp

  • youtube

  • zoom-in

  • zoom-out